National Academies and Commissioned Reports
These consensus reports from committees of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council, can be found in most university libraries, especially schools of public health, and free, full-text online access. They provided, together with local, state and federal survey, ce the baseline of scientific understanding and recommendations to policy makers and program planners at the turn of the century for our development and testing of PRECEDE and then PRECEDE-PROCEED. They included us and our colleagues variously in their consensus and reporting committees, which provided much of the inspiration, consensus building, or confirmation and dissemination of what we were constructing as the PRECEDE-PROCEED model.

Preventing Drug Abuse: What Do We Know?
National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1993. Eds. Dean Gerstein & Lawrence W. Green.

After heading one of the first three CDC-funded Prevention Research Centers, Lawrence Green was asked by the Institute of Medicine to chair this national IOM committee. Its report set the research priorities and agenda for the CDC funding of subsequent centers, which have continued to increase in number and emphases on participatory, practice-based, behavioral and social science research together with the traditional emphasis on epidemiological research in schools of public health.

The anthrax incidents following the 9/11 terrorist attacks put the spotlight on the nation's public health agencies, placing them under an unprecedented scrutiny that added new dimensions to the complex issues of policy development, and community engagement with “maximum feasible participation” in local planning, implementation and evaluation considered in this report.

Bioterrorism, drug--resistant disease, transmission of disease by global travel . . . there’s no shortage of challenges facing America’s public health officials. Men and women preparing to enter the field require state-of-the-art training to meet these increasing threats to the public health. But do the programs they rely on provide the high caliber professional training they require?

New models for Engaging the Public in Research, 2003
This IOM report identifies two translational blocks—from basic science into clinical practice and from the clinical identification of things that work into broader application to improve medical care and the public's health. This workshop summary addresses the contribution of the public to overcoming these obstacles. Contributor(s): Institute of Medicine; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Clinical Research Roundtable; Jessica Aungst, Amy Haas, Alexander Ommaya, and Lawrence W. Green, Editors

Study of Participatory Research in Health Promotion
As participatory research gained prominence in North America, the Royal Society of Canada supported research to develop guidelines for assessing the quality of such research: Green, L.W., George A., Daniel, M., Frankish, C.J., Herbert, C.H., Bowie, W., O'Neill, M. Study of Participatory Research in Health Promotion: Review and Recommendations for the Development of Participatory Research in Health Promotion in Canada. Ottawa: Royal Society of Canada, 1995. (ISBN 0-920064-55-8), 125 pp. in English, 128 pp. in French. These guidelines were later adapted by CDC.

An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Value of Community-Based Prevention. 2012
This report reviews various theoretical and empirical models derived from program plans and evaluations, including the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Contents: Why Is Community-Based Prevention Important? How Is Community-Based Prevention Different? Why Is It So Hard to Assess the Value of Community-Based Prevention?
A Roadmap for the Rest of the Report. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Full text:

Evaluating Obesity Prevention Efforts: A Plan for Measuring Progress. 2013
This IOM committee, chaired by Lawrence Green, developed a concise and actionable plan for measuring the nation's progress in obesity prevention efforts--specifically, the success of policy and environmental strategies recommended in the 2012 IOM report Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation. This book offers a framework that will provide guidance for systematic and routine planning, implementation, and evaluation of the advancement of obesity prevention efforts.

Judith Ottoson from the U.S., Penelope Hawe from Australia, both teaching at Canadian universities at the time of their collaboration on this 100-page reflection for the American Evaluation Association on the scope of knowledge utilization, diffusion, implementation, transfer, and translation, especially as related to evaluation of public health. Chapter authors reflect experience from the three countries and their variations on key models, concepts, and variables relevant to evaluation practice; case studies from these international variations provide for comparative analyses of professional and organizational determinants of interpretation of theories and application of methods of practice. The late Carol Weiss of Harvard, said in her Foreword to the monograph, “Beyond digging into the individual theories, the authors work to integrate them.”

The Community Guide is a collection of all the evidence-based findings of the Community Preventive Services Task Force. It can help you make decisions by providing information on community preventive services programs and policies that have been shown to work, and how they may fit the needs of your community.