Of the many books we are tempted to feature here, we have disciplined ourselves to remain faithful the main purpose of this website to highlight those books and manuals that are most relevant and helpful in comprehending and using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. We also seek to represent a sampling of those either addressing the whole model or focused on the applicability of predisposing factors, enabling factors, or reinforcing factors. The final selection includes those using varied pedagogic or illustrative methods of casting the program planning, implementation and evaluation processes in varied academic course, training or population-specific planning applications of the model.
Scroll down for links to international versions.

Green LW, Gielen AC, Ottoson JM, Peterson D, & Kreuter MW, Eds. Health Program Planning, Implementation & Evaluation: Creating Behavioral, Environmental, and Policy Change. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022.
This is essentially a 5th edition of Green & Kreuter, 2005, with added chapters on implementation and evaluation and chapters each on applications of the model in medical, worksite, community, and school settings and in computer applications, and with added chapter authors and co-editors.

Green LW & Kreuter MW. Health Program Planning, An Educational and Ecological Approach [textbook], 4th edition, 2005 [McGraw-Hill, out of print, but available in public health libraries, and used copies for sale from Amazon].
This edition benefitted, as did the 2nd and 3rd editions, but with the model’s spread and cumulative advantage of building on “(1) advancements and innovations reported in the literature, (2) constructive feedback from university professors, students, and researchers, and (3) reports from practitioners, managers and planners applying the model in the field” [from the Preface, p. xxi].

Huff RM, Kline MV, Peterson DV., Eds. Health Promotion in Multicultural Populations: A Handbook for Practitioners and Students. Los Angeles: Sage, 2015.
This excellent anthology examines the multidisciplinary perspectives on multicultural variations in health, their cultural, social and economic origins, models for understanding and ethics of intervening on these determinants, and case studies of cross-cultural and multicultural health promotion and disease prevention program planning.

Kahan, S, Gielen AC, Fagan PJ, Green LW., Eds. Health Behavior Change in Populations. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
This anthology of 26 chapters co-authored by 58 scholars, practitioners, program planners and policy makers in public health who “…variously address the physical, economic, social, clinical, and communication environments [that] constitute the key modifiable determinants of…behaviors and conditions” for population health (from the Foreword by William Dietz, MD, PhD, p. xi).

Kreuter MW, Lezin NA, Kreuter MW, Green LW. Community Health Promotion Ideas That Work. 2nd edition. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2003.
This lively dialogue-driven series of conversational exchanges between practitioners and program planners or directors, or with community participants in their planning or program support efforts, illustrates the implementation of the planning processes including those of the Precede-Proceed model.
Community Health Promotion Ideas that Work is organized into seven chapters, each of which begins with a case story. Although fictional, the stories are based upon real experiences and include nuances of the human condition that are too often excluded from treatments of public health practice. The case stories offer readers a realistic frame of reference in which to consider the critical concepts, principles and theories that guide effective health promotion practice.

Green LW & Ottoson JM. Community and Population Health, 8th Edition textbook. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
In 21 Chapters of this textbook, organized by life span (reproductive, infant and child health, adolescent health, adult health, health of older populations), and settings (community mental and social health, community recreation and fitness, communicable disease control, lifestyle, environmental health protection (including injury control, water and waste control, food and vector control, residential and occupational environments), world and national context of community health services, state, local and personal health resources and services. Although many of the print and web resources from this more dated source reflect the choices we made at the turn of the century, in the two decades since then most of those sources remain relevant to the same health problems, population segments, and types of settings.

Gilmore, G.D. Needs and Capacity Assessment Strategies for Health Education and Health Promotion. 4th Edition with companion website. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012.
This paperback textbook distinguishes itself with its separation of “capacity assessment” from “needs assessment” and devoting whole chapters to each of three types of assessments with individuals, 5 types with groups, and 2 types of self-directed assessments. The final section has 5 case studies from US communities and 2 from the UK. Instructors using this text can partner with the publisher for their use of an online companion website.

This annual publication serves as a carefully selected and edited representation of the current issues in public health, usually with an editorial commentary on a current issue of the year, such as “Fake News, Disinformation, and Countering These with Science,” in the 2021 issue. The 30-40 review chapters are invited from the four major subfields of public Health: Epidemiology, Social Environment & Behavior, Environmental and Occupational Health, and Public Health Practice and Policy, with authors selected by the Editorial Board from the international pool of distinguished public health scholars, policy makers, practitioners and critics.
International Translations
The PRECEDE-PROCEED Model has been translated into several non-English texts. The following are partial references to them, including ISBN numbers for anyone wishing to find out more about these translations.

Green, L.W., Kreuter, M.W. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1991, 506 pp., ISBN 0-87484-779-6. The first two editions were translated by professors at Shaghai University School of Public Health and published in Chinese by Shanghai Medical University (ISBN 7-5627-0240-3/R.224); likely now out of print. (Chinese)

..and the 4th edition (2005 translated to Japanese at the University of Tokyo by Professor Jimba Masamine, and printed and bound in Japanese by Department of Community & Global Health, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, under license issued from McGraw-Hill Higher Education International Rights Department. Professor Jimba has indicated his intent to publish similarly a translation of the 5th edition, 2022. (ISBN 4-260-00171-X. Y 4600E) (Japanese)

Translations of parts of the 4th edition to French at the University of Montreal, to Portuguese at the University of Lisbon, and parts of various editions at the University of Indonesia, the University of Sao Paulo, and other Asian, African, and European Universities.
Most notably in Europe have been adoptions of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model for teaching at the University of Maastricht and Wagenigen University with translations of parts of the books in Dutch, and in Norwegian at the University of Bergen in Norway. (multiple languages)
Article: Bahasa Indonesia is among the languages into which a description of the PRECEDE PROCEED model has been made.
For an example of this effort, see: https://www.academia.edu/7834497/PRECEDE_PROCEED
An English abstract sums up the findings of this article in Chinese that uses the PRECEDE model to assess injuries in a selected community in Taipei City. http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/258130/2/運用PRECEDE模式評估某社區之事故傷害問題(台灣衛誌29(4)314-325).pdf