Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation:
Creating Behavioral, Environmental, and Policy Change
Johns Hopkins University Press (2022)

Calson Gielen


Lawrence W. Green is professor emeritus of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California at San Francisco, has capped a turnstile career in public health, rotating between previous positions in program development, policy, and evaluation, and full-time academic positions at the University of California School of Public Health at Berkeley (where he also received his three degrees), the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Harvard University School of Public Health and Center for Health Policy Research, and as founding director of the University of Texas Center for Health Promotion Research and Development at Houston. In the 1990s, he was at the University of British Columbia as professor and director of the Center for Health Promotion Research and the Division of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology. His professional rotations between these academic appointments were in policy and program planning, management, and evaluation, with county and State Public Health Departments, a Ford Foundation project in family planning in Bangladesh, later with the US Department of Health and Human Services as director of the federal Office of Health Information and Health Promotion in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health; in the late 1980s as vice-president of the Kaiser Family Foundation; and in the early 2000s as Distinguished Scientist and founding co-director with Michael Eriksen of the CDC-WHO Collaborating Center of Global Tobacco Control and as acting director of the CDC Office of Smoking and Health, then as director of the CDC Office of Science and Extramural Research.
Andrea Carlson Gielen is professor of health, behavior and society and former director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she taught program planning for health behavior change for three decades, teaching hundreds of graduate students across multiple platforms including in person, online, and in compressed formats. Dr. Gielen has led numerous federally funded studies and intervention trials. Her research focuses on developing, implementing, and evaluating theory-based health promotion programs and campaigns addressing a wide array of public health issues, such as HIV/AIDS, smoking in pregnancy, domestic violence, and the prevention of injuries caused by fires, burns, falls, poisoning, and motor vehicles. Intervention strategies that Dr. Gielen utilizes include community mobilization, computer-tailored and m-Health communication, social marketing, and the creation of innovative safety resource centers for deployment in hospital and community settings. Prior to joining the faculty at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Gielen served as a community health educator for the Maryland Department of Health, where she worked to create the state’s first child passenger safety program. Dr. Gielen received her ScM and ScD degrees from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Judith M. Ottoson retired as an associate professor from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. Prior to retirement, she served also as an associate professor on the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia; subsequent to her retirement, she served as adjunct faculty in the Department of Health Education, San Francisco State University. Her educational preparation includes a BSN from the University of Minnesota; an MPH specializing in public health education from the University of Hawaii; and an EdD from Harvard University with a concentration on administration, planning and social policy. Dr. Ottoson had over 20 years of diverse practical experience as an administrator, consultant, educator, and evaluator before pursuing an academic career that spanned more than two decades. Her practice-infused teaching, research, and publications used program evaluation to focus on whether and how programs and policy make a difference and the implementation fac- tors that influence those outcomes. She has consulted with various academic institutions, governmental agencies, private organizations, foundations, and voluntary agencies on the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs. She has taught or consulted internationally, including in Africa, Brazil, China, and Europe. Dr. Ottoson reluctantly (and productively) came out of retirement to work with her colleagues on this volume to contribute to its theoretical and practical aspects of program implementation, evaluation and policy aspects.
Darleen V. Peterson is a professor of community and global health at Claremont Graduate University (CGU). She also serves as the school’s associate dean for academic affairs and is the founding and current director of the master of public health (MPH) and doctor of public health (DrPH) programs. She also serves as co-director of the positive health psychology program in the School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation. Prior to joining the faculty at CGU, she served as an assistant professor of clinical preventive medicine at the University of Southern California (USC), where she was the assistant director of the MPH program. She has taught graduate courses in health behavior theory and health communications and supervised field training in public health. Her research interests include health communication, specifically the evaluation of statewide tobacco control campaigns and the assessment of pro-tobacco marketing activities on youth smoking. She currently provides consultation on public health program accreditation to new and existing programs. She received an MA in communications management from USC’s Annenberg School for Communication, an MPH in community health education from California State University, Northridge, and a PhD in preventive medicine (health behavior research) from the Keck School of Medicine of USC. She is a masters-level certified health education specialist (MCHES), and co-editor of three editions of Health Promotion in Multicultural Populations: A Handbook for Practitioners and Students (Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2015).
Marshall W. Kreuter, a retired professor of public health at Georgia State University, has extensive experience in the engagement of communities in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs. Prior to that, he was a Distinguished Scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) where, for two decades, he served in several key leadership roles: as the director of the Division of Health Education, as the first director of the Division of Chronic Disease Control and Community Intervention, and as director of the Prevention Research Centers program for schools of public health. While at the CDC, he and his co-workers refined the epidemiologic study of physical activity, initiated research and programs focused on the early detection of breast cancer, and added a greater emphasis on school health. He and his CDC colleagues used the PRECEDE-PROCEED model to create the Planned Approach to Community Health Program (PATCH) at the state and local level; they also used the model to develop an intervention strategy that has led to the near-eradication of Guinea worm disease in Africa. He received his academic training at California State University at Chico and the University of Utah. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University and held full professorships at the University of Utah and Georgia State University.