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  • ’t Wallant, Yves Coppieters, and Danielle Piette (Promoteur de Docteur en Sciences de la Santé Publique, Thèse).(2003). Evaluation de la Prise de Consience des Risques Chez Les Jeunes: Exemple de l’asthme professionnel. Brussels, Belgium: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médicine, École de Santé Publique, pp. 17-19. [Evaluation of the Awareness of Risks Among Youth]

  • Taggart, V.S., Bush, P.J., Zuckerman, A.E. (Georgetown Univ.Sch.Med., 3900 Reservoir Rd., NW, Washington, DC 20007), & Theiss, P.K. (1990). A process evaluation of the District of Columbia Know Your Body Project. Journal of School Health 60(2):60-66. See Bush et al.(1989) for the specific ways in which the model was applied in the KYB project.

  • Taggart, V.S., Zuckerman, A.E., Sly, R.M., Steinmueller, C., Newman, G. (Georgetown University Lab. for Children's Health Promotion, Kober-Cogan Bldg., Room 419, 3750 Reservoir Rd. NW, Washington, DC), O'Brien, R.W., Schneider, S., and Bellanti, J.A. (1991). You can control asthma: evaluation of an asthma education program for hospitalized inner-city children. Patient Education and Counseling, 17(1):35-47.

  • Taghdisi, M.H., Borhani, M. Solhi, M., Afkari, M.E., Hosseini, F. (2012). The effect of an education program utilising PRECEDE model on the Quality of Life in patients with type 2 diabetes. Health Education Journal 71(2): 229-238. [Free Full Text in Persian language]

  • Takano, M., Matsukura, M., Harada, K., Wei, C.N., Ohmori, S., Miyakita, T., Miike, T., Ueda, A. (2005). Behavior and lifestyle factors related to quality of life in junior high school students. 10(2): 94-102. [Free Full Text]

  • Tamblyn, R. & Battista, R. (1993). Changing clinical practice: Which interventions work? Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 13(4): 273-288.

  • Tamez, E.G. (Chief, Nursing Service, Veterans Admin.Med.Center, Hot Springs, SD 57747) and Vacalis, T.D. (Univ.Texas) (1989). Health beliefs, the significant other and compliance with therapeutic regimens among adult Mexican American diabetics. Health Education 20(6):24-31

  • Taplin, S.H. (1989). Breast cancer screening--a curious problem in primary care. Journal of Family Practice 29(3):247-248. [Free Full Text]

  • Taplin, S.H., Taylor, V., Montano, D., Chinn, R., Urban, N. (1994). Specialty differences and the ordering of screening mammography by primary care physicians . 7(5):375-386

  • Taylor, M., Coovadia, H. M., Kvalsvig, J. D., Jinabhai, C. C., Reddy, P. (1999). Helminth control as an entry point for health-promoting schools in KwaZulu-Natal. South African Medical Journal 89 (3): 273-279

  • Taylor, M., Jinabhai, C.C. (Department of Community Health, School of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of Natal). (2000). Evidence from health promotion/health education interventions: relevance of developed world models to a middle income and developing country such as South Africa? Evid Action Int Cochrance Colloq 8th 2000, Cape Town, S. Afr; 8

  • Taylor, S.M., Elliott, S. <>, Robinson, K. & Taylor, S. (1998). Community-based heart health promotion: Perceptions of facilitators and barriers. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 89 (6): 406-409. [Free Full Text]

  • Taylor, S.M., Elliott, S. & Riley, B. (1998). Heart health promotion: Predisposition, capacity and implementation in Ontario public health units, 1994-96. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 89 (6): 410-414. [Free Full Text]

  • Taylor, Victoria M. (Cancer Prevention Research Program, MP-702, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1124 Columbia St., Seattle, WA 98104), Taplin, S.H., Urban, N., Mahloch, J., Majer, K.A. (1994). Medical community involvement in a breast cancer screening promotional project. Public Health Reports 109(4): 491-499. [Free Full Text]

  • Terry, P.B., Wang, V.L., Flynn, B.S. Cuthie J., Salim, J.H., Windsor, R.A., Smith, P.L., Williamson, J. (1981). A continuing medical education program in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases: design and outcome. American Review of Respiratory Distress 123(1): 42-6.

  • Texas Department of Health (correspondence: Lisa Regan-Vienop <>). (1997). Targeting population-based health promotion: Linking populuation risk factors to effective interventions. Health Promotion Interchange, 1 (3): 1.

  • Texas Department of Health (correspondence: Lisa Regan-Vienop <>). (1997).  PRECEDE - a powerful planning tool. Health Promotion Interchange, 1 (3): 6, 8-9.

  • Thamer, M., Fox Ray, N., Henderson, S. C., Rinehart, C. S., Sherman, C. R. & Furguson, J. H. (1998). Influence of the NIH Consensus Conference on Helicobacter Pylori on physician prescribing among a Medicaid population. Medical Care, 36 (5): 646-660.

  • The Health Communication Unit and National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. Online health program planner. Available from: 

  • Thiessen, J., Eastman, M., Wismer, J. (1997). Asthma, allergy and eczema program. Health promotion for families: More than giving information. Poster presentation, Canadian Asthma Education Conference III, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 14-15.

  • Thomas, S.B. (2001). The Color Line: Race Matters in the Elimination of Health Disparities. American Journal of Public Health, 91(7): 1046-1048. [Free Full Text]

  • Thompson, R.S., Taplin, S., Carter, A.P. et al. (Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Seattle, WA) (1988). A risk based breast cancer screening program. HMO Practice 2: 177-91.

  • Thompson R.S., Taplin, S.H., McAfee, T.A., Mandelson, M.T., Smith, A.E. (1995). Primary and secondary prevention services in clinical practice: twenty years' experience in development, implementation, and evaluation. Journal of the American Medical Association 273(14):1130-1135.

  • Thompson, R.S. (MD, Director, Department of Preventive Care, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, 1730 Minor Ave, Suite 1600, Seattle, WA 98101-1448). (1997). Systems approaches and the delivery of health services (Editorial). Journal of the American Medical Association 277(8):670-671.

  • Thompson, R.S. (MD, Director, Department of Preventive Care, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, 1730 Minor Ave, Suite 1600, Seattle, WA 98101-1448). (1996). What have HMOs learned about clinical prevention services? An examination of the experience at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. The Milbank Quarterly 74(4):469-509.

  • Thompson, R.S., Meyer, B.A., Smith-DiJulio, K., Caplow, M.P., Maiuro, R.D., Thompson, D.C., Sugg, N.K., Rivara, F.P. (1998). A training program to improve domestic violence identification and management in primary care: preliminary results. Violence and Victims. 13(4):395-410.

  • Thompson, R.S., Rivara, F.P., Thompson, D.C., Barlow, W.E., Sugg, N.K., Maiuro, R.D., Rubanowice, D.M. (2000). Identification and Management of Domestic Violence: A Randomized Trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 19(4): 253-263.[Free Full Text]

  • Thomsen, Christy A. (Cancer Information Service Branch, National Cancer Institute, 31 Center Drive, MSC 2580, Bldg. 31, Rm. 10A16, Bethesda, MD 20892-2580 USA) & Ter Maat, J. (1998). Evaluating the Cancer Information Service: A Model for Health Communications. Part 1. Journal of Health Communication, 3 (suppl.):1-13.

  • Tillgren, P. (Department of International Health and Social Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, S-172 83 Sundbyberg, Sweden), Haglund, B. J. A., Ainetdin, T., Thornqvist, E., Uhrbom, E. & Holm, L-E. (1995). Effects of different intervention strategies in the implementation of a nationwide tobacco “Quit and Win” contest in Sweden.  Tobacco Control, 4(4): 344-350. [Free Full Text]

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  • Timmreck, Thomas C (1995). Planning, Program Development, and Evaluation: A Handbook for Health Promotion, Aging, and Health Services. Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, pp. 55, 94-96, 183.

  • Tolma, E.L. (Univ Okla), Cheney, M.K., Troup, P., and Hann, N. (2009). Designing the Process Evaluation for the Collaborative Planning of a Local Turning Point Partnership. Health Promot Pract. 10(4):537-548. 

  • Tones, K. (1990). Why theorise? Ideology in health education. Health Education Journal 49(1): 2-6. 

  • Tortolero, S.R., Markham, C.M., Peskin, M.F., Shegog, R., Addy, R.C., Escobar-Chaves, S.L., & Baumler, E.R. (2010). It’s your game: Keep it real: Delaying sexual behavior with an effective middle school program. Jour. of Adolescent Health, 46(2): 169-179.

  • Tramm, R., McCarthy, A., Yates, P. (2012). Using the PRECEDE-Proceed model of health program planning in breast cancer nursing research. J. Adv. Nurs. 68(8): 1870-1880.

  • Tremblay, M.., Gervais, A., Lacroix, C., O'Loughlin, J., Makni, H., Paradis, G. (2001). Physicians Taking Action Against Smoking: An Intervention Program to Optimize Smoking Cessation Counseling by Montreal General Practitioners. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 165(5):601-607. [Free Full Text]

  • Trickett, E.J., Beehler, S., Deutsch, C., Green, L.W., Hawe, P., McLeroy, K., Miller, R.L., Rapkin, B.D., Schensul, J.J., Schulz, A.J., & Trimble, J.E. (2011). Advancing the Science of Community-Level Interventions. Am J Public Health, 101(8): 1410-1419.

  • Trifiletti L.B., Gielen, A.C., Sleet D.A., and Hopkins, K. (2005). Behavioral and social sciences theories and models: are they used in unintentional injury prevention research? Health Education Research, 20(3):298-307.

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  • Tsutsui, Akihito (Dept of Prev Dentistry, Fukuoka Dental College, ), Nakamura, G.,  Nakamura, K., Horiguchi, I., Nakamura, S. (November 1996). Oral health promotion in a community based on Precede-Proceed Model. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry. Seoul, Korea: Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry.

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  • Ugarte, C.A., Duarte, P., Wilson, K.M. (1992). PATCH as a model for development of a Hispanic Health Needs Assessment: The El Paso experience. Journal of Health Education 23:171-156. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Ullman, Dana (1980). Book Review of Health Education Planning.... Holistic Health Review 3(4):289-290.

  • Ulmi, S., McGowan, P., Gray, D., & Savoy, D. (1999). Moving beyond information: Evaluation of a nutrition education tool based on a theoretical model. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 53 (Suppl. 2): S49-S53. [Free Full Text]

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  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1981). Promoting Health in Special Populations. Washington, D.C.: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; reprinted in Journal of Public Health Policy 8 (1987): 369-423.

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  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1996). Planned Approach to Community Health: Guide for the Local Coordinator. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. ISBN 0-16-048399-9. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 


  • van Assema, P. (1993). The development, implementation and evaluation of a community health project. Maastricht, The Netherlands: University of Maastricht. [Free Full Text]

  • Van Beurden, E. (1994). HOOPS (Health Outcome Oriented Problem Segmentation): A graphic framework for health promotion planning, program development and evaluation. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 4(2):4-8.

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  • van der Kleij, R.M., Crone, M.R., Reis, R., & Paulussen, T.G. (2016). Critical stakeholder determinants to the implementation of intersectoral community approaches targeting childhood obesity. Health Educ Res., 31(6): 697-715. 

  • van der Weijden, T., Grol, R. P. T. M., Schouten, B. J. & Knottnerus, J. A. (1998).   Barriers to working according to cholesterol guidelines: A randomized controlled trial on implementation of national guidelines in 20 general practices. European Journal of Public Health, 8 (2): 113-118. [Free Full Text]

  • van Hoek, E., Bouwman, L.I., Koelen, M.A., Lutt, M.A., Feskens, E.J., Janse, A.J., (2016). Development of a Dutch intervention for obese young children. Health Promot Int. pii: dav115. [Free Full Text]

  • Van Veenendaal, H. (Bosscherweg 36, 6219 AC Maastricht, The Netherlands), Grinspun, D.R., Adriaanse, H.P.  (1996). Educational needs of stroke survivors and their family members, as perceived by themselves and by health professionals. Patient Education and Counseling 28(3): 265-276. [Free Full Text]

  • Vandiver, V.L. (Portland State Univ Dept of Social Work). (2009). Integrating Health Promotion and Mental Health: An Introduction to Policies, Principles, and Practices. New York: Oxford University Press, 396pp. ISBN 978-0-19516772-6.

  • Vasse, R. M., Nijhuis, F.J. N., Kok, G., & Kroodsma, A. T. (1997). Effectiveness of a worksite alcohol program (pp. 43-58). In R. Vasse (Ed.), The development, implementation and evaluation of two worksite health programs aimed at preventing alcohol problems. Maastricht: Maastricht University.

  • Vasse, R. M., Nijhuis, F.J. N., Kok, G., & Kroodsma, A. T. (1997).  Process evaluation of two worksite alcohol programs (pp. 71-88). In R. Vasse (Ed.), The development, implementation and evaluation of two worksite health programs aimed at preventing alcohol problems. Maastricht: Maastricht University.

  • Veenendaal, H.V., Grinspun, D.R., & Adriaanse, H. P. (1996). Educational needs of stroke survivors and their family members, as perceived by themselves and by healthcare professionals. Patient Education and Counseling 28(3): 265-276.

  • Vertinsky, P.A. (Faculty of Education, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC) & Mangham, C. (1991). Making it Fit: Matching Substance-Abuse Prevention Strategies. Victoria, BC: Alcohol and Drug Programs, Ministry of Health, British Columbia.

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  • Villas, P. (Dept. Health & Kinesiology, Univ. Texas-Pan American, 1201 W. Univ. Dr., Edinburg, TX 78539), Cardenas, M. & Jameson, C. (1994). Instrument development using the PRECEDE Model to distinguish users/triers from non-users of alcoholic beverages. Wellness Perspectives: Research, Theory and Practice 10(2):46-53.

  • Villas, P., Mottinger, S.G. & Cardenas, M.(1996). PRECEDE model utilization in differentiating users and nonusers of alcohol. Journal of Wellness Perspectives, 12 (3): 113-122.

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