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  • Radzyminski, S. (2006). Population health as a framework for forensic nursing curriculum. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2(1): 33-41   

  • Rainey, C.J., Mayo, R.M., Haley-Zitlin, V., Kemper, K.A., & Cason, K.L.  (2001).  Nutritional beliefs, attitudes and practices of elderly, rural, southern women. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly (now called Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics) 20(2): 3-27

  • Rainey, C.J., Cason, K.L.  (2001).  Nutrition interventions for low-income, elderly women.  American Journal of Health Behavior, 25(3):  245-251.

  • Ramey, S. L., Shelley, M. C., Welk, G. J., & Franke, W. D. (2003). Cardiovascular disease risk reduction efforts among law enforcement officers: An application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model. Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine, 1(1)

  • Ramirez, A.G. and McAlister, A.L. (1988). Mass media campaign--A Su Salud. Preventive Medicine 17(5): 608-21.

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  • Reddy, Priscilla (Medical Research Council, Health Promotion Research and Development Tygerburg, P. O. Box 19070, Cape Town 7505, South Africa), Meyer-Weitz, A., van den Borne, B., Kok, G. & Weijts, W . (1998). The learning curve: Health education in STI clinics in South Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 47(10): 1445-1453.

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  • Renger, Ralph (College of Public Health, Univ of Arizona, 1435 N. Fremont Ave., Tucson, AZ 85712,, & Titcomb, Allison (2002). A three-step approach to teaching logic models. American Journal of Evaluation 23(4), 493-503. [Free Full Text]

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  • Richard, L. (GRIS, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3J7), Potvin, L., Kishchuk, N., Prlic, H., Green, L.W. (1996). Assessment of the integration of the ecological approach in health promotion programs. American Journal of Health Promotion. 10(4):318-328.

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  • Rimer, B.K., Ross, E., Balshem, A., and Engstrom, P.F. (1993). The effect of a comprehensive breast screening program on self-reported mammography use by primary care physicians and women in a health maintenance organization. The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice  6(5):443-451 

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  • Ritchie, D. (2001). 'Breathing Space' - Reflecting upon the realities of community partnerships and workers' beliefs about promoting health. Health Education Journal 60(1): 73-92 

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  • Rochan, Alain ( la Sante Communautaire, Cite de la Sante de Laval, 1755, Boul.Rene Laennec, Vimont, Laval, Quebec H7M 3L9). L'education sanitaire, version nouvelle et amelioree (Rethinking health education for use in Quebec public health programs). L'Union Medicale du Canada 114(5):366-368.

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  • Sabzmakan, L., Hazavehei, S., Morowatisharifabad, M., Hasanzadeh, A., Rabiee, K., & Sadeqi, M. (2010). The effects of a PRECEDE-based educational program on depression, general health, and quality of life of coronary artery bypass grafting patients. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 3(2): 79–83. [Free Full Text]

  • Saffari, M., Amini, N., Eftekhar Ardebili, H., Mahmoudi, M., and Sanaeinasab, H. (2012). Evaluation of an educational intervention based on PRECEDE PROCEED model toward lifestyle improvement among adolescents. daneshvarmed. 19 (98) :59-68. [Free Full Text in Persian language]

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  • Sanders-Phillips, Kathy (Dept of Pediatrics, King/Drew Medical Center, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA School of Medicine, Mail Point #9, 12021 South Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90059) (1996).  Correlates of health promotion behaviors in low-income black women and Latinas. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 12(6): 450-458.

  • Sanderson, C., Haglund, B., Tillgren, P., Svanstrom, L., Ostenson, C., Holm, L., Ullen, H. & Smajkic, A. (1996).  Effect and stage models in community intervention programmes; and the development of the Model for Management of Intervention Programme Preparation (MMIPP). Health Promotion International, 11(2): 143-156. [Free Full Text]

  • Sarvela, Paul D. (Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale) and McDermott, Robert J. (1993). Health Education Evaluation and Measurement: A Practitioner's Perspective. Madison, WI, Melbourne, Oxford: WCB Bown & Benchmark Publishers, esp. pp. 41-42 (Fig. 3-2 reproduced from Benson, 1989) and pp. 194-195.

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  • Savelson, Aviva (Sustainable Development Res Inst., UBC, Vancouver, BC), Van Wynsberghe, Robert, Frankish, J., Folz, H. (2005). Application of a health promotion model to community-based sustainability planning. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 10(6): 629-647.

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  • Schooler, Caroline, Farquhar, J.W., Fortmann, S.P., Flora, J.A. (1997). Synthesis of findings and issues from community prevention trials. Annals of Epidemiology 7(S7): S54-S68.

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  • Soleiman Ekhtiari, Y., Shojaeizadeh, D., Rahimi Foroushani, A., Ghofranipour, F., and Ahmadi, B. (2013). The Effect of an Intervention Based on the PRECEDE- PROCEED Model on Preventive Behaviors of Domestic Violence Among Iranian High School Girls. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 15(1): 21-28. [Free Full Text]

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  • Staton, M. J. Community Health Education Demonstration Project (1983's Secretary's Community Health Promotion Award). Lexington, SC: Lexington County Hospital (2720 Sunset Boulevard, West Columbia, SC 29169), 1980 - Continuing.

  • Steckler, Allan (Dept.Hlth.Behav.& Hlth.Educ., Sch.Pub.Hlth., UNC, Chapel Hill, NC), Orville, K., Eng, E., Dawson, L.  (1989). PATCHing it Together: A Formative Evaluation of CDC's Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) Program. Chapel Hill, NC: Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Steckler, A., Orville, K., Eng, E.,  and Dawson, L. (1992). Summary of a formative evaluation of PATCH. Journal of Health Education 23(3):174-178. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Stevenson, M., Jones, S. (Centre for Health Promotion Research, School of Public Health, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6001), Cross, D., Howat, P., & Hall, M. (1996). The child pedestrian injury prevention project. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 6(3): 32-36.

  • Stevenson, M., Iredell, H., Howat, P., Cross, D., Hall, M. (1999).  Measuring community/environmental interventions: The Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project.  Injury Prevention. 5:26-30. [Free Full Text]

  • Stewart, S. (1996). The Effects of An 18-Month Weight-Training and Calcium Supplementation Program on Bone Mineral of Adolescent Girls. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Institute of Health Promotion Research, Vancouver, BC.

  • Stivers, Cathie (Assoc.Prof., Health Educ., Longwood Coll., HPER Dept., Farmville VA 23909; 804-395-2540; e-mail: ) (1994). Drug prevention in Zuni, New Mexico: Creation of a teen center as an alternative to alcohol and drug use. Journal of Community Health 19(5): 343-359.

  • Street, Richard L., Jr. (Texas A&M University), Gold, W. R. & Manning, T. (1997). Health Promotion and Interactive Technology: Theoretical Applications and Future Directions (esp. pp54-65). Mahwah NJ & London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  • Subramanyam, Malavika A., & Cooke, Bryan (Univ of Northern Colorado). (Nov 8-9, 2002). Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among school teachers of rural South India. Poster presentation at 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education, Declaring our Interdependence: United for Health Education, Philadelphia

  • Sugg, N.K., Thompson, R.S., Thompson, D.C., Maiuro, R., Rivara, F.P. (1999). Domestic violence and primary care. Attitudes, practices, and beliefs. Arch Fam Med, 8(4):301-6. [Free Full Text]

  • Sullivan, T., Allegrante, J.P., Peterson, M.G., Kovar, P.A., & MacKenzie, C.R. (1998).  One-year followup of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who participated in a program of supervised fitness walking and supportive patient education.  Arthritis Care Res., 11(4): 228-33.

  • Sun, Wei Yue and Shun, Jiun  (Dept.Health Science Educ., FLG-5 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611). (1995).  Smoking behavior amongst different socioeconomic groups in the workplace in the People's Republic of China. Health Promotion International 10(4): 261-266.

  • Sun, W.Y., Ling, T. (1997). Smoking behavior among adolescents in the city, suburbs, and rural areas of Shanghai. American Journal of Health Promotion: 11(5): 331-336.

  • Sussman, Steve (Ed.). (2001).  Handbook of Program Development of Health Behavior Research and Practice.  Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc., Esp. Chap 1, pp. 11-12.

  • Sutherland, Mary S., Barber, M., Harris, G.L., Warner, V., Cowart, M., Menard A. (1989). Planning preventive health programming for rural blacks: Development processes of a model PATCH program. Wellness Perspectives 6:57-58. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Sutherland, M., Pittman-Sisco, C., Lacher, T., and Watkins, N. (1987). The application of a health education planning model to a school based risk reduction model. Health Education 18(3): 47-51.

  • Sutherland, M.S., Barber, M., Harris, G.L. et al. (1992). Health promotion in southern rural black churches: A program model. Journal of Health Education 23:109-111.

  • Swan, E., Bouwman, L., de Roos, N., and Koelen, M. (2012). How science thinks and practice acts: bridging the gap in weight management interventions for adolescents. Fam. Pract. 29(Suppl 1): i117-i125. [Free Full Text]

  • Swannell, Ray (Med. Coordinator, Epidemiology & Prevention Unit, Queensland Dept. of Health, Brisbane, Australia),  Steele, J., Harvey, P., Bruggemann, J., Town, S., Emery, E., and Schmid, T.L. (1992). PATCH in Australia: elements of a successful implementation. Journal of Health Education 23(3):171-173. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Swart, D., Panday, S., Reddy, S.P., Bergström, E., and de Vries, H. (2006). Access point analysis: what do adolescents in South Africa say about tobacco control programmes? Health Educ. Res. 21 (3): 393-406. [Free Full Text]

  • Sword, W. (1999). A socio-ecological approach to understanding barriers to prenatal care for women of low income. Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 (5): 1170-1177.

Fern Plant

Click below to access a bibliography and links to over 1,000 published applications of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model.


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Hunter, K., Keay L., Clapham, Brown J., Bilston L.E., Lyford M,. Gilbert, C., & Ivers, R.Q.  “He’s the Number One Thing in my World.”: Application of the Precede-Proceed Model to Explore Child Car Seat Use in a Regional Community in New South Wales.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14:1206.


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