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  • Earp, JoAnn L. (School of Public Health, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC), M Alpeter, L Mayne, C Viadro, MS Omalley (1995). The North Carolina breast cancer screening program--Foundations and design of a model for reaching older, minority, rural women. Breast Cancer Research & Treatment 35(1):7-22.

  • Earp, J.A., Eng, E., O'Malley, M.S., Altpeter, M., Rauscher, G., Mayne, L., Mathews, H.F., Lynch, K.S., Qaqish, B. (2002).  Increasing use of mammography among older, rural African American women: results from a community trial. Am J Public Health, 92(4):646-54.

  • Eastaugh, Steven R. (Grad. Sch. Business & Public Admin., Cornell Univ.) and Hatcher, Myron E.  (1982). Improving compliance among hypertensives: a triage criterion with cost-benefit implications. Medical Care 20(10):1001-17. Based on dissertation of Myron Hatcher at Johns Hopkins.

  • Edet, E.E. (Medway Health Authority, Kent, England) (1991). The role of sex education in adolescent pregnancy. Journal of the Royal Society of Health 111(1):17-18

  • Egger, Gary, Spark, Ross, Donovan, Robert J. (1990). A 'Component Circuit Approach' to needs assessment and strategy selection in health promotion. Health Promotion International 5(4):299-302.

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  • Elliott, S.J., Taylor, S.M., Cameron, R., & Schabas, R. (1998). Assessing public health capacity to support community-based heart health promotion: the Canadian Heart Health Initiative, Ontario Project (CHHIOP). Health Education Research, 13(4): 607-622.

  • Eng, Eugenia (U.N.Carolina School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC 27599) (1993). The Save our Sisters Project: a social network strategy for reaching rural black women. Cancer. 72(3 Suppl.):1071-1077.

  • Engelstad, L., Bedeian, K., Schorr, K., & Stewart, S. (1996). Pathways to early detection of cervical cancer for a multiethnic, indigent, emergency department population. Health Education and Behavior, 23(Suppl.), S89-S104.

  • Eriksen, Michael P. (Off Smoking & Health, CDC, Atlanta, GA), and Gielen, A.C. (1983). The application of health education principles to automobile child restraint programs. Health Education Quarterly 10(1): 30-55.

  • Eriksen, M.P., Green, L.W., and Fultz, F.G. (1988). Principles of changing health behavior. Cancer, 62(1 Suppl.):1768-1775.

  • Estey, A. L. (1988). Follow-up Intervention: Its effect on compliance with a diabetes regimen. Unpublished master's thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. [Published in: Estey, A.L., Tan, M.H., Mann, K. (1990). Follow-up intervention: its effect on compliance behavior to a diabetes regimen. Diabetes Educ., 16(4):291-5.]

  • Evans, Stephanie (Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med.) (1982). Book Review [of first edition, 1980]... Social Science and Medicine 16:609-617.

  • Ezeonwu, M. C. & Berkowitz, B. (2014). A Collaborative Community-wide Health Fair: The Process and Impacts on the Community. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 31(2), 118-129. DOI:10.1080/07370016.2014.901092. [Free Full Text]


  • Fairbanks, J.; Wiese, W.H. (1998). Health Program Planning. In Public Health Primer, Fairbanks, J.; Wiese, W.H. (Eds). Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, Inc., pp. 108-126.

  • Farquhar, John W. (Stanford Univ, Ctr Res Dis Prevention, 1000 Welch Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304), SP Fortmann, JA Flora, et al (1990). Effects of community-wide education on cardiovascular disease risk factors--the Stanford 5-city project. Journal of the American Medical Association 264(3): 359-365.

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  • Farley, Céline (Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie, 5245, boul. Cousineau, bureau 3000, Saint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 6J8), Otis, J., & Benoit, M. (1997). Evaluation of a four-year bicycle helmet promotion campaign in Quebec aimed at children ages 8 to 12: Impact on attitudes, norms and behaviours. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 88(1): 62-66.

  • Farley C, Laflamme L, Vaez, M. (2003). Bicycle helmet campaigns and head injuries among children. Does poverty matter?  J Epidemiol Community Health, 57(9):668-72.

  • Farr, L.J., and Fisher, L.J . (1991). 'Bring Your Body Back to Life': The 1990 Western Australian Quit Campaign. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 1:6-10.

  • Farthing, Marilyn (Disability Tax Credit Medical Advisory Group, Dept. of Human Resources Development Canada, Ottawa, ON) (1994). Health education needs of a Hutterite Colony. The Canadian Nurse/L'Infirmiere Canadienne 90(7):20-26

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  • Fawcett, S. B., Paine, A. L., Francisco, V. T. & Vliet, M. (1993). Promoting health through community development. In D. S. Glenwick & L. A. Jason (Eds.), Promoting Health and Mental Health in Children, Youth, and Families (pp.233-255). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company (536 Broadway, New York, NY 10012).

  • Fawcett, Stephen B. (PhD, University of Kansas, Department of Development, <>), Lewis, R. K., Paine-Andrews, A., Francisco, V.T., Richter, K. P., Williams, E.L. & Copple, B. (1997). Evaluating community coalitions for prevention of substance abuse: The case of Project Freedom. Health Education and Behavior, 24(6): 812-828.

  • Fawcett, S. B., Paine-Andrews, A., Francisco, V.T., Schultz, J.A., Richter, K.P., Lewis, R.K., Williams, E.L., Harris, K.J., Berkley, J.Y., Fisher, J.L., et al (1995). Using empowerment theory in collaborative partnerships for community health and development. American Journal of Community Psychology, 23 (5): 677-697.

  • Fawcett, S.B., Francisco, V.T., Paine-Andrews, A., & Schulz, J.T. (2000). A model memorandum of collaboration: a proposal. Public Health Reports. 115(2-3):174-9.

  • Fawcett, S.B., Holt, C., et al. (Work Group for Community Health and Development). (n.d.). Section 2. PRECEDE/PROCEED. In The Community Tool Box. Retrieved October 15, 2013, from [Over 58,000 hits per year on the PRECEDE-PROCEED description in this resource]

  • Fedder, Donald O. (Univ. Maryland) (1982). Managing medication and compliance: physician-pharmacist-patient interactions. Journal American Geriatric Society 30(11 Suppl.): S113-7.

  • Fedder, D. and R. Beardsley (1979). Preparing pharmacy patient educators. American Journal of Pharmacy Education 43(2): 127-9.

  • Fertman, Carl I., Allensworth, Diane D. (Eds.). Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, 2010. Copyright by Society for Public Health Education. 

  • Fireman, P., Friday, G.A.,Gira,  C., Vierthaler, W.A., Michaels, L. (1981). Teaching self-management skills to asthmatic children and their parents in an ambulatory care setting. Pediatrics 68(3):341-8.

  • Fisher, Jr., E. B (Washington University, ), Strunk, R. C., Sussman, L. K., Arfken, C., Sykes, R.K., Munro, J. M., Haywood, S., Harrison, D., & Bascom, S. (1996). Acceptability and feasibility of a community approach to asthma management: The Neighborhood Asthma Coalition (NAC). Journal of Asthma, 33(6), 367-383.

  • Fisher, K.F., Howat, P.A., Binns, C.W., and Liveris, M. (1986). Health education and health promotion--an Australian perspective. Health Education Journal (Australia) 45(2): 95-98.

  • Fishman Parvanta, Claudia (PhD, Department of International Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, <>), Gottert, P., Anthony, R., & Parlato, M. (1997). Nutrition promotion in Mali: Highlights of a rural integrated nutrition communication program (1989-1995). Journal of Nutrition Education, 29(5): 274-280.

  • Flay, B.R., McFall, S., Burton, D., Cook, T.D., Warnecke, R.B. (1993). Health behavior changes through television: The roles of de facto and motivated selection processes. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 34(4): 322-335.

  • Fleisher, Linda (Fox Chase Cancer Center, 510 Township Line Road, Cheltenham, PA 19012, USA), Kornfeld, J., Ter Maat, J., Davis, S. W., Laepke, K. & Bradley, A. (1998). Building effective partnerships: A national evaluation of the Cancer Information Service Outreach Program. Journal of Health Communication, 3 (suppl.): 21-35.

  • Fletcher SW, Harris RP, Gonzalez JJ, et al. (1993). Increasing mammography utilization: A controlled study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 85(2): 112-120. [See related articles from same study, by Earp, J.]

  • Floyd, Jerold D. (Prof., Office for Health Promotion, Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, IL 60115) and Lawson, John D.  (1992). Look before you leap: guidelines and caveats for schoolsite health promotion. Journal of Health Education 23:74-84.

  • Flynn, B.S., Worden, J.K., Secker-Walker, R.H., Badger, G.J., & Geller, B.M.  (1995).  Cigarette smoking prevention effects of mass media and school interventions targeted to gender and age groups.  Journal of Health Education, 26(2):45-51

  • Flynn, B.S., Worden, J.K., Secker-Walker, R.H., Pirie, P.L., Badger, G.J., Carpenter, J.H., & Geller, V.M.  (1994).  Mass media and school interventions for cigarette smoking prevention:  Effects 2 years after completion.  American Journal of Public Health, 84(7):  1148-1150.

  • Flynn, B.S,. Green, L.W. and Levine, D.M. (1982). The effects of communication of specific information about blood pressure readings on adherence to medication regimen. Prev. Med. 11(3).

  • Flynn, Brian S. (Office of Health Prom. Research, Coll.of Med., Un.Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405), Worden, John K., Secker-Walker, Roger H. et. al.(1992). Prevention of cigarette smoking through mass media intervention and school programs. Amer. Jour. Public Health 82(6):827-834.

  • Fors, S. W. & Lohrman, D. K. (1986). Can School-Based Educational Programs Really Be Expected to Solve the Adolescent Drug Abuse Problem?  Journal of Drug Education, 16(4):327-39.

  • Fors, Stuart W., Owen, S., Hall, W.D. et al. (1989). Evaluation of a diffusion strategy for school-based hypertension education. Health Education Quarterly 16(2): 255-61.

  • Francisco, V.T. (Dept. Human Devel., Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045), Paine, A.L., Fawcett, S.B. (1993). A methodology for monitoring and evaluating community health coalitions. Health Education Research 8(3):403-416.

  • Frank, G.C., Vaden, A., Martin, J. (1987). School health promotion: child nutrition programs. Journal of School Health 57(10):451-460.

  • Frankish, C.J. (UBC Institute of Health Promotion Research, Room 324, 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3), CD Milligan, C Reid. (1998). A review of relationships between active living and determinants of health. Soc. Sci. Med. 47(3): 287-301.

  • Frankish, C.J., Lovato, C.Y., Shannon, W.J . (1999). Models, theories, and principles of health promotion with multicultural populations. Chapter 3 in RM Huff & MV Kline (Eds.), Promoting Health in Multicultural Populations: A Handbook for Practitioners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 41-72, esp. pp. 59-63, 67

  • Frankish, C.J., Lovato, C.Y., Poureslami, I. (2013). Models, theories, and principles of health promotion with multicultural populations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Third Edition. In Press

  • Frankish, C. James (Inst. of Health Promotion Res., UBC, 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3) (1994). Crisis centers and their role in treatment: suicide prevention versus health promotion. Death Studies 18(4): 327-339.

  • Frankish, C.James and LW Green (1994). Organizational and community change as the scientific basis for disease prevention and health promotion policy. In Gary L. Albrecht (ed.), Advances in Medical Sociology, Volume IV: A Reconsideration of Health Behavior Change Models. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc., pp. 209-233.

  • Frankish, J. <> Keynote Paper. Psychologists and mental health: A recommended approach (pp. 1-3). In D. Nicholls (Ed.), Psychologically Speaking. (1997, September).

  • Fraser, W. (MD, Msc, Pavillon St-Francois d'Assise (CHUQ), 10 Rue de l'Espinay, Quebec, Canada G1L 3L5), Maunsell, E., Hodnett, E., Moutquin, J.M. (1997). Childbirth Alternatives Post-Cesarean Study Group. Randomized controlled trial of a prenatal vaginal birth after cesarean section education and support program. American Journal of Obstet Gynecol. 176(2): 419-425.

  • Frauenknecht, M., Brylinsky, J.A., Zimmer, C.G. (1998).  “Healthy Athlete 2000”: Planning a health education initiative using the PRECEDE model. Journal of Health Education, 29 (5): 312-318.

  • Frazier, P.J. (Univ Minnesota, Sch Dent, Dept Prevent Sci, Div Hlth Ecol, 15-136 Moos Tower, Minneapolis, MN 55455),  Horowitz, A.M. (NIDR) (1990). Oral health education and promotion in maternal and child health: a position paper. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 50(6 Spec No):390-395.

  • Freed, G. L., Bordley, W. C. & Defriese, G. H. (1993). Childhood immunization programs: An analysis of policy issues. The Milbank Quarterly, 71(1): 65-96.

  • Freire, K., and Runyan, C.W. (2006). Planning Models: PRECEDE-PROCEED and Haddon Matrix. In AC Gielen, DA Sleet, and RJ DiClemente (Eds.). Injury and Violence Prevention: Behavioral Science Theories, Methods, and Applications. (1st edition, pp. 127-158. ) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

  • French, J., Adams, L., and French, J. (1986). From analysis to synthesis: Theories of health education. Health Education Journal, 45(2): 71-74.

  • Freudenberg, N. (1989). Preventing AIDS: A Guide to Effective Education for the Prevention of HIV Infection. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.

  • Friis, R.H., Forouzesh, M., Chhim, H.S., Monga, S., Sze, D. (2006). Sociocultural determinants of tobacco use among Cambodian Americans. Health Educ Res. 21(3):355-65. [Free Full Text]

  • Fuchs, JA (1988). Planning for community health promotion: a rural example. Health Values 12(6): 3-8.

  • Fulmer, H.S., Cashman, S., Hattis, P., Schlaff, A., Horgan, D.M. (1992). Bridging the gap between medicine, public health and the community: PATCH and the Carney Hospital experience. Journal of Health Education 23:167-170. [The PATCH manual was continuously updated online by CDC until 2004, as it was gradually replaced by a new generation of community health planning tools]. For the full PATCH manual, which is now out of print, click here. 

  • Furst, Gloria P. (Dept. Rehabil.Med., NIH, Bldg. 10, Rm 6S235, Bethesda MD 20892), Gerber, L.H., Smith, C.C., Fisher, S.,  Shulman, B. (1987). A program for improving energy conservation behaviors in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. American Journal of Occupational therapy 41(2):102-111.

  • Furst, G.P., LH Gerber, CB Smith (1985). Rehabilitation through Learning: Energy Conservation and Joint Protection--A Workbook for Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, GPO Stock No. 017-045-00107-4, NIH Publ. No. 85-2743. Instructors Guide: Rehabilitation through Learning...: Instructor's Guide (GPO Stock No. 017-045-00103-9, NIH Publication No. 85-2743).

Fern Plant

Click below to access a bibliography and links to over 1,000 published applications of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model.


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Hunter, K., Keay L., Clapham, Brown J., Bilston L.E., Lyford M,. Gilbert, C., & Ivers, R.Q.  “He’s the Number One Thing in my World.”: Application of the Precede-Proceed Model to Explore Child Car Seat Use in a Regional Community in New South Wales.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14:1206.


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